Nov 28 - “Our Lady of Kibeho” © artwork by Brenda Nippert. Happy Feast Day Our Lady!
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In 1981, Mary appeared to a group of African teenagers in Kibeho, Rawanda. Their country was on the brink of civil war as the hatred between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes ran deep. Mary warned that if the people didn't give up their hatred for each other and turn their hearts to God, the price would be very high and a river of blood would run through their country. Appearing at regular intervals, Mary even showed them horrifying visions of what the tragedy would be like. She urged them to tell the people to change their ways and live more devout lives. Jesus also appeared to the group, warning of terrible things to come if people did not change their hearts. Unfortunately, most people didn't listen and the tragic events predicted by Jesus and Mary happened. The country was so steeped in hatred that 12 years after the apparitions began their warnings, the unspeakable madness and mayhem they foresaw came true. More than 800,000 died horrible deaths as civil war rocked the region, if only the warning had been heeded, these unthinkable events could have been avoided. This very sad story can't be changed now, but we can still take many lessons from it into the future about how important love for each person without prejudice is.
Her feast day is November 28