Aug 13 - “St. Benhilde Romançon” © artwork by Julie Lonneman. Happy Feast Day St. Benhilde!
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Upon meeting a Christian Brother one day in the marketplace, Pierre Romançon, aged 13, immediately decided to become a brother. He enrolled at the Brothers' school over the objections of his father. Despite the impediment of his diminutive height, he was admitted to the novitiate at Clermont at the age of 14 and took the name Brother Benilde. He is remembered for his extraordinary gifts as a teacher, as well as for his holiness and generosity.
"Brother Benilde's extraordinary religious sense was evident to everyone: at Mass with the students in the parish church, teaching catechism, preparing boys for first communion, visiting and praying with the sick, and rumors of near-miraculous cures. He was especially effective in attracting religious vocations. At his beatification, Pope Pius XII stressed that his sanctification was attained by enduring 'the terrible daily grind' and by 'doing common things in an uncommon way.'"
—De La Salle Christian Brothers
His feast day is August 13.