Aug 17 - “St. Takla Haymonot” © icon by Br. Robert Lentz, OFM. Happy Feast Day St. Takla!
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St. Tekle is one of the most popular saints of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Like most Ethiopian saints, his life is full of astonishing occurrences and miracles, but at its core it is the story of a wise man of prayer who influenced the lives of generations of Christian people.
As a young priest, he spent nine years in a monastery on an island in the middle of Lake Hayq. He then travelled to the monastery of Debre Damo and his reputation began to grow as a spiritual teacher. He eventually returned to the south, with a small group of disciples, and founded the monastery now known as Debre Libanos in 1284. His followers became so widespread that most of Ethiopia's monastic centers are in some way connected to his spiritual leadership. After the monastery was well established, he withdrew to a cave at the foot of the gorge of Asbo, where he lived many years as a hermit.
In icons he is depicted with the six wings of a seraph. The story is that one time when he was descending from a monastery on a precipitous mountain, the rope holding him broke. As the monks watched with horror from above, expecting him to fall to his death, he miraculously sprouted wings like an angel and flew to safety.
His feast day is August 17.