Aug 6 - “St. Teresa of Calcutta” © artwork by Julie Lonneman.
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Mother Teresa’s diaries have revealed that she struggled with doubt and spiritual darkness through most of her religious life. Knowing this has only increased my admiration for her since she accomplished so much without much spiritual consolation.
Originally from Albania, Mother Teresa taught in India for 17 years before in 1946 she experienced a second calling to devote herself to caring for the sick, poor, orphaned and dying. In 1948 she finally received approval from the local archbishop, and after six months of basic medical training, the tiny nun walked into Calcutta's slums for the first time wearing the blue and white sari that would eventually become the habit of her foundation, the Missionaries of Charity.
Her renown grew as a humanitarian and advocate for the poor and helpless, and she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Since her death in 1997 she has advanced rapidly along the path to sainthood and was canonized on September 5, 2016.
Her feast day is September 5.