Jan 24 - “St. Francis de Sales” © artwork by Brenda Nippert. Happy Feast Day St. Francis!
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Saint Francis de Sales was born in France to a noble family. His father had big plans for a scholarly or political career for him and had even chosen a charming bride, but Francis held secret plans in his heart. He wanted to give his life to God. He was slow to act on his desires until one day when he kept falling from his horse and three times when his sword and scabbard landed in the shape of a cross, when they hit the ground, Francis finally got the message. His gentleness and refined education later earned him the nickname “the Gentlemen Saint.”
Francis was a scholar, writer, spiritual guide, pastor, diplomat, bishop and Doctor of the Church. He had some great cutting edge ideas. He was the first to print religious pamphlets which he slid under people’s doors when they wouldn't open the door to his preaching. He was the first to give deep spiritual direction to lay people, believing they too could have a close relationship with God, even in the midst of their busy secular lives. He wrote hundreds of letters and two books which are still Catholic classics today. He made people feel good, revealing to them the gentle heart of God.
His feast day is Jan 24.