Jan 31 - “St. John Bosco” © artwork by Brenda Nippert. Happy Feast Day St. John!
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John Bosco was famous for his work with wayward boys, and for founding the Salesians who work worldwide today, to better the lives of the under privileged. John's widowed mother, Margaret, instilled in him a strong faith and encouraged his desire for education in spite of their extreme poverty. Even at a young age, John had a creative way of drawing people to God using his talents. He would put on shows with juggling and acrobatics, slipping in catechism lessons. From childhood on, he had inspired dreams which opened his heart to God's plan for him. He became a priest and gathered streetwise boys to nurture their faith, extend kindness, and educate them with his unconventional methods and witty sense of humor. Soon a few boys swelled to 400 and continued to grow.
John accomplished everything with such love and kindness that his goodness was contagious, inspiring all he touched to pass the generosity on. Never underestimate the influence of one kind heart, coupled with a great sense of humor and faith filled determination.