Oct 19 - “St. Isaac Jogues” © artwork by Brenda Nippert. Happy Feast Day St. Isaac!
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Isaac Jogues was born in France where he dreamed of adventure as a missionary. As soon as he was ordained a Jesuit priest he set off for New France (now Canada). There he labored through epidemics, starvation, cold and tribal conflicts among the natives. These trails only strengthened Father Jogues' determination to preach the Gospel to the people of the New World. Father Jogues and his companions were captured by a Mohawk war party and taken to a village (now Auriesville, NY) and horribly tortured. Those who survived, including Father Jogues and his assistant Rene Goupil, were kept in the village as slaves. They did their best to continue their mission among their captors by teaching them about Jesus.
After his assistant was killed, Father Jogues escaped and returned to France, but he could not give up and returned to the New World and headed straight into Mohawk territory. While some of the natives were warming up to them, and many converted, others were still suspicious. They killed Father Jogues and his new assistant in the same village he had escaped from, but his brave sacrifice planted the seed of faith in the New World, which would later blossom into a great Christian nation.
His feast day is October 19.