Oct 19 - “St. Isaac Jogues” © icon by Br. Robert Lentz, OFM. Happy Feast Day St. Isaac!
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Issac Jogues was a French Jesuit who was sent as a missionary to North America when he was 29 years old. During the remaining ten years of his life, he explored the forests and waterways of Canada, eventually reaching the eastern entrance to Lake Superior. In 1642 he was captured in what is now New York by the Mohawk nation. Dutch colonists helped him escape, but he returned to the place of his captivity to try to convert the native people. His actions seemed strange to the Mohawks -- the way he traced the sign of the cross on the foreheads of children, for example -- and they suspected him of witchcraft. After an outbreak of sickness in the village, and then when the village crops failed as well, he was killed, together with a French layman named Jean Laland.
This icon was designed as part of the reredos of St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In the reredos it is placed to the left of an icon of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, so that the French missionary is pointing toward the Mohawk saint.
His feast day is October 19.