Oct 20 - “St. Magdalene of Nagasaki” © artwork by Julie Lonneman. Happy Feast Day St. Mother Magdalene!
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Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki was born in 1611 as the daughter of a Christian couple martyred about 1620. With the arrival of the Augustinian Order, Magdalene served as an Augustinian lay sister or tertiary, interpreter and catechist for Fathers Francis of Jesus Terrero and Vincent of Saint Anthony Simoens.
Attired in her Augustinian habit, Magdalene turned herself into the authorities and declared herself a follower of Jesus Christ. At age 23, she died on October 16, 1634 after thirteen days of torture, suffocated to death and suspended upside down in a pit. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on February 18, 1981 and canonized on October 18, 1987.
Her feast day is October 20.