Oct 21 - “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” © icon by Br. Robert Lentz, OFM.
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This icon received the title "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" in Western Europe. The pose was first painted in the Balkan countries in the fourteenth century. The Christ Child has run to His mother and jumped into her arms after seeing two angles holding the instruments of His future passion. In His haste, one sandal has come off. The Christ Child continues to look, in fear and astonishment, at the angel holding the cross. The Mother looks out at the world with compassion.
According to Byzantine Christian theology, Christ’s passion and death are not seen as a debt paid to a wrathful Father. Jesus Christ, as person, is God’s answer to the human condition. The Christ embraces all suffering and oppression in solidarity with humanity. "Hades seized a body, and lo! It discovered God. It seized earth, and, behold! It encountered heaven; it seized the visible, and was overcome by the invisible. O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? Christ is risen and you are abolished. Christ is risen and life is freed."
—Saint John Chrysostom
Her feast day is June 27.