Sep 17 - “St. Hildegard of Bingen” © artwork by Brenda Nippert. Happy Feast Day St. Hildegard!
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In 1098, Hildegard was born the tenth child of a noble couple. In those days, it was traditional for the tenth child to be given to God. Hildegard was taken to an anchoress named Jutta, at a very young age. An anchoress lived alone in a small room connected to the church to pray and study. Jutta taught Hildegard all that she could, but she was not her only teacher. From the age of three, Hildegard had been having visions from God. As she grew older, they became more intense and showed her many things about God, the natural world and man's place in it. She also received revelations about medicines and natural healings.
Hildegard was overflowing with talent as she wrote books, drew and painted, practiced medicine, wrote music, wrote a play about the virtues and conversed with many important people by letter. At 18, she had become a nun and when Jutta died, several other women had joined them in the anchor, and Hildegard became their abbess. She was an amazing woman, enlightened by God and everything she did was for Him. Her music is still played and her books are still read today, she truly was a renaissance woman and her wisdom has stood the test of time.
Her feast day is September 17.