Sep 27 - “St. Vincent de Paul” © artwork by Brenda Nippert. Happy Feast Day St. Vincent!
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As one of six in a French peasant family, young Vincent had a plan. He wanted to become a priest so he could move up the holy career ladder, get a position in the court and live in the lap of luxury. He studied hard, was ordained and thought he was on his way to hobnobbing with the rich and famous. As you might imagine, that's not exactly what God had in mind. Vincent was assigned to a poor country parish. He was touched by the simple faith of these people who relied so strongly on God. Then, Vincent was assigned to be chaplain to a rich, religious family. The family supported his vision to preach to the poor and uneducated. Gradually, Vincent's “career” was transformed into a passionate relationship with Jesus.
Through his new found humility and genuine good nature, Vincent was able to inspire others to generosity. He used this gift to organize groups to serve the poor, sick, widowed, orphaned, and imprisoned in every capacity. Out of the holy compassion of this one man grew the Congregation of Charity, the Congregation of the Mission, and the Ladies of Charity. With the help of Louise de Marillac (also a saint), he formed the Daughters of Charity, which branched out and grew all over the world. Vincent responded to what God showed him, let go of his selfish plans and followed the Holy Spirit's inspiration. Today, the name Vincent de Paul is synonymous with charity. Everywhere there are charitable organizations bearing his name.
His feast day is September 27.