Collection: Mother of Ukraine

ARTIST: Dan Paulos


Mother, sing me a song that will ease my pain, Mend broken bones, Bring wholeness again. Catch my babies When they are born, Sing my death song, Teach me how to mourn. Show me the Medicine of the healing herbs, the value of spirit, the way I can serve. Mother, heal my heart So that I can see the gifts of yours that can live through me.

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Queen of Ukraine

According to Orthodox tradition, Mary miraculously appeared at a church in Constantinople, or modern-day Istanbul, when the city was under attack in the early 10th century. As the story goes, Mary prayed at the church's altar, then spread her veil over the congregation, and the invading armies withdrew.

Around a century later, in 1037, Yaroslav the Wise, the Grand Prince of Kyiv, dedicated Ukraine to Mary. To this day Mary is known as “Queen of Ukraine," among her many other titles, and Oct. 14 is celebrated as the Pokrova, or Feast of the Protection