Collection: Music Madonna

ARTIST: Dan Paulos


Let us raise our daily song,
each day freshly crafting,
worthy cries unto our God,
Hymns in praise of Mary.

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The echoed sound our choir reflect
as Mary fills our praise,
and every voice with fervor swells
till all our hearts are filled.

Mary of the tribe of Judah,
Highest Mother of the Lord,
Gave a fitting cure
To sick mankind

Gabriel has carried the Word
from the Fathers breast
Who has been conceived
And received by the mother's womb.

This is the greatest,
This is the most worthy holy virgin,
Who by faith did not draw back
But remained firm.

None before has been found
like this mother,
none from among those
of human birth.

By the woman and the wood
the first world passed away;
By the woman's virtue
Life has been restored.

Mary, Mother most admired,
Of her Father manifested,
By whom the water washed
The whole world in faith.

She conceived a pearl,
Not an empty dream,
For which any sober Christian
sells his all.

A tunic made with utmost care
Christ's mother fashioned
Pierced through at the death of Christ,
By the lot remained untorn.

Let us put on the armor of light,
The breast plate and greaves,
That by God we may be perfected,
Supported by Mary.

Amen, again Amen.
We swear by the merits of childbirth
That we may be snatched
From the burning pyre.

We call upon the name of Christ,
To the angels who bear witness,
That we may enjoy
And be written in the heavenly books.

Holy Mary, well deserving,
We beseech your dignity
That we may gain the throne
Where you live on high.

"Hymn to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Cu Chuimne of Iona, early 8th century