ARTIST: Dan Paulos
For God, having given her power over his only-begotten and natural Son, also gave her power over his adopted children – not only in what concerns their body, which would be of little account, but also in what concerns their soul.”
– Saint Louis Marie de Montfort
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Our Lady is Teacher of faith. Every aspect of faith in Christian life finds its prototype in Mary: being faithful to God and viewing the circumstances of ordinary life in the light of faith, even in moments of obscurity. Our Mother teaches us to be totally open to the divine will "even though it is mysterious, and often does not correspond with their own wishes, and is a sword that pierces their soul, as the elderly Simeon would say prophetically to Mary when Jesus was presented in the Temple (cf. Lk 2:35)." Her complete trust in God's faithfulness and in his promises never wavers, even when the Lord's words were difficult or apparently impossible to accept.