Collection: Queen of Heaven

ARTIST: Br. Robert Lentz, OFM


Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To you do we cry,
poor banished children of Eve.
To you do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this exile
show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb,
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary.

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The Queenship of Mary

Mary, Queen of the Universe,
you are a Queen in that you are
the Mother of the Word Incarnate.
Christ is universal King in that he rules all his creatures
by his personal union with the Father and the Spirit.
He is King and you are Queen of all hearts.
Rule over us by the queenly power of your love
that the Kingdom of your Son"
the Kingdom of truth and life,
holiness and grace,
justice, love, and peace"
may come upon the earth.
Grant your grace to all people,
the Holy Spirit for the whole Church,
and peace for the entire earth.