Collection: St. Oscar Romero's Embrace

ARTIST: Fr. Bob Gilroy, SJ


The arm of a martyr
holds a wounded child.
The embrace stands between
the world and darkness.

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In those mysterious dungeons
where so many of our brothers and sisters have vanished,
how many must know terrible secrets,
how many have hands stained with blood,
marked by outrages — how many weeds in the harvest!
God waits for them.
Don't pull them up, says Christ — wait.
We wait.
I would like to say, as a brother,
to all those friends whose consciences are uneasy
because they have sinned against God and neighbor:
You cannot be happy that way;
the God of love is calling you.
He wants to forgive you,
he wants to save you.
July 23, 1978  

The purpose of our life is God's glory.
However lowly a life is,
that is what makes it great.
September 3, 1978  

—Excerpts from “The Violence of Love" by Oscar Romero