Stretched Canvas Prints


Giclee Print Technique delivers brilliant images with superior fade resistance for museum quality printing. Images printed on our photo papers using HP Vivera photo-versatile inks not only feature better image quality than photos processed by conventional labs but are more resistant to fading caused by light or heat and provide light-fade resistance superior to that of traditionally processed photos—up to 100 or more years.

410g/m2 Poly-Cotton Acid Free Canvas

This Heavyweight cotton/poly fine art canvas features a bright white point, exceptionally high dmax and wide color gamut.

65% Cotton / 35% Polyester
Surface: Matte
Whiteness: 120%
Opacity: 98.50%
Textured Surface
No OBA, Acid Free

Our unique blend of cotton enhanced with elastic polymers to provide high tensile strength and flexibility for gallery wrap stretching without cracking.

Use, Care and Maintenance:
Not appropriate for outdoor use.
Keep away from moisture and humidity.
Do not use damp cloth or water or other liquid for cleaning.
Recommended Care: Light use of Feather Duster